Visit all the palaces in the center of Belluno. Belluno Turismo takes you to visit ancient palaces in the center of Belluno.

Cappellari Colomba Palace

In 1835 the architect Giuseppe Segusini built this palace for the nobles Cappellari, the family of Pope Gregory XVI (1765-1846), who was elected to the Holy See on February 2nd 1831. The Pope’s coat of arms added two doves (from Camaldoli’s Benedictine order) on the family’s original coat of arms, and the family itself since…

Fulcis Palace

The palace was assembled in 1776 by architect Valentino Alpago-Novello, who gave it its present outline unifying three different buildings that were previously separated. The intervention took place when the Marquis Guglielmo Fulcis in1776 married the countess Francesca Migazzi de Vaal und Sonnenthurm, the niece of the powerful Cardinal of Vienna. The main inside unit,…

Trois Malaspina Palace

XVIII century building, originally belonging to the Trois family and then bought by the Malaspina (there’s a little coat of arms on the wrought iron arch in the entrance, at the opening of the stairs). It used to be the ancient Pharmacy of Saint Joseph: the XVIII century sign board painted by Gaspare Diziani, according…

Doglioni Palace

A very elegant palace, built at the beginning of XVI century, with interesting elements dating to the late XV century in the main door, with the Doglioni coat of arms and in the rich leaf capitals of the balcony columns on the façade. Particularly interesting the architectural solution on the left side, with the corner…

Barpo Palace in Saint Stephen Square

Tipical private building, well balanced as it shows the typical arcade palace with different windows sizes and forms, peculiar to the urban architectural pattern of Belluno. The little palace was built in 1595 by Giacomo Barpo, who in the next year succeeded in reintroducing his family into the noble city council. The building  is the…

Pagani Cesa Palace

A palace erected in baroque style at the beginning of XVII century, assembling two or three older buildings. The construction was decided by the Cesa family, who owned an altar in the nearby church of Santo Stefano. Admitted in the noble city council in 1547 and extinguished in 1624, surviving in the Pagani-Cesa branch. The…

Barpo Palace

Well balanced Renaissance building, with a lowered arcade facing Via Roma, the old city quarter named after the church of St. Stephen. It offers the peculiar solution of a double stone balcony, with a decoration pattern that follows the model offered by the balconies of Palazzo dei Rettori. The lower balcony, with a pulpit-shaped basis,…


It is the only surviving element of the ancient city wall of Belluno, although it is closed by the modern buildings that during XIX and XX century have deeply modified the outlook of this part of town. It was built in early middle ages as the eastern corner tower of the city wall. Its ancient…

Municipal Theater

Neoclassical building designed by Giuseppe Segusini in 1833-35 on the place of the ancient city grains storage (there is a last piece, the old architrave, fixed to wall on the rear of the theatre), a much smaller building that used to exist beside Porta Dojona, leaning on the city wall . On the façade, similar…

Post Office Building

Built in 1936-38 following a project of the architect Alberto Alpago-Novello, it rose on the site where in the part thousand years there was the city castle, almost abandoned already during the last centuries of venetian rule and completely dismantled after 1806, when the city Jail was built on the same place, while the stones…