XVIII century building, originally belonging to the Trois family and then bought by the Malaspina (there’s a little coat of arms on the wrought iron arch in the entrance, at the opening of the stairs). It used to be the ancient Pharmacy of Saint Joseph: the XVIII century sign board painted by Gaspare Diziani, according to Giuseppe Fiocco’s expertise, is still showed from time to time inside today’s Pharmacy. After 1866, when Belluno became part of the new kingdom of Itay, the new owner Locatelli changed the Saint Josepf sign with a portrait of General Giuseppe Garibaldi, painted by Goffredo Sommavilla. The painting, just like the rest of the building, was heavily restored after the 1936 earthquake. It was then when the last floor was completed, since it was asymmetrical.
Source: Marco Perale

Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, 13, 32100 Belluno