Born as clerics’ seminar, as a substitute of the old building erected in 1568 in the same place by the bishop Giulio Contarini (1542-1575) in response to the new educational and training requirements fixed by the Council of Trento in 1563. This one in Belluno was the third Seminar erected in Veneto and still one of the first in Italy. Today’s palace was built in 1714 as an enlargement and a complete transformation of the older building, following the design of the venetian architect Paolo Tremignon (the son of Alessandro Tremignon, the architect of the church of San Moisè in Venice ) by will of bishop Giovanni Francesco Bembo, whose coat of arms carved in stone stands above the entrance door. The building has been city hospital from 1792 to 1987, unifying the three little hospitals of St. Biagio, St. Maria dei Battuti e St. Maria Nova, opened during the Middle Ages. Tremignon’s restyling didn’t touch the internal chapel, built in 1692 by the bishop Giulio Berlendis (1653-1693), but created the long façade facing Via Loreto, divided by the big stone portal in the middle, with its upper window, trying to give a new perspective to the short and narrow street.
Source: Marco Perale

32 Via Loreto, 32, 32100, Belluno