It is probably the first church of the Christian community of Belluno, built in the old roman burial ground outside the city wall, along the road – now via Rivizzola – leading to the old bridge over the Ardo river and to Cadore. It was located outside the ancient urban boundaries, so it probably is older than the law by wich in 313 the emperor Constantin allowed the Christian faith as an accepted religion. In the past it was known as the Holy Cross church “in Campestrino”, which was the name of the little field where it was built. Reconstructed e rebuilt many times, i t still preserves the greek-crossed plan dating from VI century. Nearby there was an hospice, that was used as a hospital and lazaret between 1184 and 1793. From XIII to XIV century it hosted a little Cistercian community from Follina abbey. The church has been rebuilt twice in 1358 and 1631. Inside there are some wooden altars from XVII century and paintings by Francesco Frigimelica and others.
Source: Marco Perale

Via S. Biagio, 22-42, 32100, Belluno