S.Nicolò Church

Spiritual center of the Borgo Piave community, dedicated to St. Nicholas patron of the “zattieri” (the timber rafts punters) who transported wood and goods along the river from Cadore to Venice. A first building was erected in 1361, then rebuilt in 1547 as recorded by an inscription engraved on the architrave of the church, then…

Rugo Gate

The historic southern gate to the city, from the old river port of Borgo Piave. At the beginning of XIX century have been heavily modified the side fortresses which defended the gate, the two little towers that flanked it (le “Torricelle”) and the large tower that existed on the left. Of the original structure, entered…

Nossadani Palace

One of the last private buildings of the XV century city, still showing a little part of the frescoes that used to cover the façade, according to a decorative urban pattern tipical of the venetian mainland, from Feltre to Conegliano, Treviso and even Trento. Traditionally is known to have been the house of the noble…

Bolzanio Coraulo Palace

Today’s building is the result of a XVIII century intervention that assembled the XV and XVI century houses of the Coraulo family (there is still the coat of arms over the entrance portal) and Bolzanio family, whence came the two greatest bellunese Renaissance scholars, the Franciscan friar Urbano Bolzanio (1442-1524), who in 1497 published in…

Reviviscar Palace

On a tower-house of the XIV century that traditionally belonged to Gaia da Camino (same name, but not the lady quoted by Dante in his “Divina Commedia”, Purgatory XVI, 140), the Persico family built its palace during XV century and enriched it between 1496 and 1506 with a stone façade decorated with sculptured mythological figures…

Alpago Palace

A building probably dating from the XV century, then heavily altered, with elements from the XVI century and later structural interventions. Particularly interesting the stone bust fixed high on the north-west façade, facing Reviviscar palace, dated 1566 and portraying Andrea Alpago (who died in 1522) dressed in middle eastern style. A bellunese scholar, a traveler…

Doglioni Dalmas Palace

The palace was built in the mid XVIII century, on an empty space belonging to the Alpago family that was kept clear because of its possible military use behind the city wall. The owner, Andrea Alpago, wanted it to be completed by the architect Valentino Alpago-Novello for the wedding of his daughter Marianna with Matteo…

Campelli Palace

The long façade, with its stone decorations around windows and portals, is scrolled along the south-west side of Via San Lucano. Today’s architectural result is the sum of at least three different house bought and assembled between XVII and XVIII century by the Campelli family, arriving from Longarone and working in the lumber trade, after…

Bishop Palace

Today’s palace was built on the site where used to be the ancient Canonical House, recorded since IX century. The structure has been retouched many times and was completely rebuilt during the years of the bishop, and learned scholar, Alvise Lollino (1597-1625), who left to the Cathedral his collection of books and manuscripts, the famous…

Piloni Palace

The original part of this large palace was built by Odorico Piloni in the mid XVI century, a way to show to the city the new power acquired by his family, a few decades after the arrival of his father Antonio from Valle di Cadore and his admission in the noble city council in 1506.…