Private building dating to the XV century, partly rebuilt on several occasions, following higher noble models of the upper city. The façade still shows large parts of the original fresco decorations painted at the beginning of XVI century. The author is unknown and shows some artistic weaknesses, in the composition and in the rendering of the single figures, but the location of the building and the size of the decoration are a precious witness of the social and economic role of the community living in Borgo Piave, the ancient river port of the city, where the rafts transporting timbers from Cadore to Venice had to pay taxes and stop, up to the first half of XX century.
The dam construction along the Piave river for hydroelectric power has stopped the ancient rafting tradition: no more river navigation is possible, and this caused an increasing decay of the old quarter.
Source: Marco Perale
Riva S. Nicolò, 20, 32100 Belluno